Eclipsis Wiki
Lobby 1
Lobby 5

Solo Queue

Lobby 8
Lobby 3


The Lobby is the place which you spawn in when you join an Eclipsis Server. When you join the game, you spawn on the Spawn Point in the lobby.


Shuttles. teams, and invitations[]

Lobby 2

Spawn and Donation Button

Lobby 4

Tutorial and Practice Mode

The Lobby is a large cylindrical room, and it consists of six Shuttles, or pods, named and colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple by default. Each shuttle has a button that allows a player inside the shuttle to close the pod door, preventing any more players from joining their team. There must be a minimum of 1 player in a shuttle for the door to remain closed. Two shuttles must be closed in order to start the 1 minute 30 second countdown to start a match. The shuttles have seats in which the players can sit on. Players can customize their team name and color in the pods with a gamepass.. Outside the shuttle, there is a light over the door and a small staircase leading to the shuttle door.

Players can invite other players to their shuttle/team using the Invite Button or using /invite [part of player username]. The /invite command also works in the Solo queue. When entering a shuttle, you will join the team and color corresponding to the shuttle and have access to team chat.

Practice mode and tutorial[]

the Practice Mode and Tutorial teleporters can be found between the Purple Shuttle and the Solo Queue. The teleporters look like half of the Upgrade Station. Players can enter these modes by walking into the station and begin to hover as they get teleported. When entering, Practice mode, it will allow players to invite other players to join them in practice mode.

Solo Queue[]

The Solo Queue is located between the Practice/Tutorial teleporters and the Red Shuttle. In Solo mode, there is only one person per team. There must be a minimum of 2 players standing on the platform to start the 1 minute countdown to start. The maximum amount of players that can be in a Solo match is 6. The countdown is cancelled when less than 2 players are standing on the platform. If there are 6 players on the platform, the players are immediately teleported to the game.

Changelog and leaderboards[]

The lobby has a large board that displays information. On the left side, the board displays the change log of the game. On the right side, it displays the top 100 rated players, or the top 100 donors (the player can switch between these two leaderboards).


Next to the spawn point, there is a donation button that allows players to give donations (in robux). There are five levels of donations a player can give, each of which are different amounts.

Lobby features[]

In the lobby, everyone is equipped with Jetpacks. The jetpacks are activated by pressing space while in the air, and do not require Iridium. It is much more powerful than a typical jetpack; it lasts for 5 seconds before needing to refuel by landing back on a surface.

There are three pads on the floor. When touched, they will play a specific meme audio clip. Between the Solo Queue and Red Shuttle is the Michael Rosen "Nice!" sound effect pad, between the tutorial/practice teleporters and the solo queue is the Defaultio "What's up guys!" sound effect pad, and between the Tutorial/Practice teleporters and the Purple Shuttle is the Yee meme.

The lobby has large screens placed above the pod door lights. These screens periodically change messages, containing fake advertisements, fan art, and event information.

For display, the Lobby has a pipe system with several different structures, including Pipes, a Cap, a fully upgraded Well Pump, a Small Tank, a Standard Tank, a Gauge, a Valve (which you can interact with, though it only changes the color of the spawn button), a Spawn Point (This is where players spawn in the lobby), and an Arsenal. The Well Pump in the Lobby does not produce any iridium. The Turret in the lobby does not shoot, but it's barrel follows the player closest to it. The gauge shows a fixed amount: 1076/1380 total iridium in the system. The Arsenal, displays a Rocket Launcher on its loading tray. Players will often sit "inside" the arsenal by positioning their player behind the loading tray.

The lobby displays game tips on signs around the pipe system. They are as follows:

  • Start by collecting iridium from crystals, and using it to build a well pump. The pump extracts iridium automatically from the lake below.
  • Build tanks and connect them to your pump with pipes. Tanks store iridium from pumps and other extractors for later use.
  • It is wise to connect your spawn pad to your pipe network. If you die, you cannot respawn unless the spawn pad has access to enough iridium.
  • Build weapons and defenses to battle rival teams and fight for control over the iridium supply. The last team standing is the victor.

There are several Iridium Crystals all over the lobby. The lobby also has 3 large balls about the diameter of a player. These balls can be pushed around the lobby, but cannot be pushed into pods.

The playerlist displays teams. Players in each team are listed according to who is in each shuttle or standing on the Solo Queue. There is also a Lobby team displaying people in the lobby, but not in pods or in the solo queue. Players' nametags and colors will change to each team color. In addition, team chat is enabled in the lobby for individual teams.

The lobby is decorated for special Events or holidays. For the 2020 Halloween, there was a black pumpkin on top of the arsenal. In the 2020 Christmas event, there was a Santa hat on the arsenal. In addition, there was also a large Christmas tree in the lobby. Each player could place one customizable ornament on any part of the tree.


  • The walls of the Lobby use the same decal as the background of the Portafab.
  • There is a secret teleporter at the top of the lobby that leads you to the November 2018 edition of Eclipsis. This can be found by doing an obby starting right above the Practice and Tutorial teleporters.
  • The planet Eclipsis can be found by looking down through a window.
  • Shuttles have a slight color light tint according to what color it is.
  • The Lobby used to be a rectangular room rather than a circular one.
Objects MainlandSpiresWell PipeStarter IslandLobbyGold Well Pipe
Game Features Practice ModeDay/Night cycleIridiumIridium OceanIridium CrystalBlueprintBadges
Player PlayerMounted Iridium TankPortafabPistol
Other Known BugsControlsGame UpdatesEclipsis lore
Base Types SkybaseSea BaseRuin BaseEdge Base
Base Strategies RushingSprawlingTurtling